Analytics Spam Filter Tool

Get started by clicking the initialize button below. You will be asked to authorize access to your Google Analytics data, and you will then see the available domains for filter importation. Use CTRL to select multiple domains.

This tool lets you apply Google Analytics spambot referral filters directly to any linked Google Analytics account.

To get this tool working, you’ll need to log into your Google Developers console
* From the top left menu, select “Create a Project”. Give it a name, and hit “Create”
* From the left API’s menu item, select and enable the Google Analytics API for this project.
* From the Credentials menu item, first “Create a new Client ID” and choose “web application”
   – Set the JavaScript Origins to your own domain running the plugin
   – Leave the “Redirect URIs” fields completely empty
* Still on the Credentials screen, under Public API Access create a new key” and choos “Server” as the type.
* Copy and paste the details here and save.

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